Okay, so I’m not going to lie. I tried the Whole30 challenge, program, whatever you want to call it…twice. And I ended it early…twice. I honestly just can’t commit to a life without wine or bread, even if it’s only for 30 days.
Do I have zero will power? Probably. But the way I look at it is why deprive myself of something when I love it so much and I’m only going to be thinking about the fact that I can’t have it the entire time?
I’d rather find ways to make my everyday meals a tad bit healthier, while still indulging here and there, and working my ass off in the gym. But hey that’s just me. Everyone’s different and different things work for different people.
Through my journey to find healthy meals that both don’t exceed my “budget” (I put budget in parenthesis because I know I have one but sometimes I forget) or taste like cardboard I stumbled upon these shrimp fajitas! It will take you max 20 minutes to prep and cook, includes minimal ingredients and most importantly, is delicious!